Sunday, May 11, 2008


I fasted for straight three days last week. Contrary to my expectations (and previous experience), it was not difficult at all. Seriously. I was not hungry. For the most part, I felt energetic. Only very late at night on the second day and on the evening of the third day did I feel weak at all. I walked and worked and exercised and felt good. I couldn't believe it. It was amazingly easy. Really. I kid you not.

The other amazing thing besides how easy it was, was the resulting weight loss. On the second day of the fast I weighed 128 pounds. On the third day, I weighed 125 1/2 How it is possible that I could have lost that much in one day, I don't know. I figured that it was only partly true weight loss and the rest was due to a lesser weight of food in my belly, but I was wrong. After I broke my fast the night of the third day I expected to see some gain the next day, simply due to the weight of the food in my system, if nothing else. But I didn't. The day after the fast, my weight was still going down. I weighed 124 3/4. I'm not sure how that is possible, but I like it.

The only down side to the fast occurred when I finally broke it. I first tried eating some veggie sushi from the grocery store, but it hurt my mouth so badly that I literally could not eat it. The roof of my mouth was on fire with pain. Instead, I ate some cantaloupe which that did not cause mouth pain at all. Next I ate a little brown rice with soy sauce which caused only a small amount of pain. Finally, I tried the sushi again and was able to eat it that time with only a little pain.(Maybe I should have listened to my body and not eaten it at all.) Why was there pain when I initially ate again after the fast? Why to some foods and not others? Did the fasting make me more sensitive to something that I am allergic to?

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