Saturday, January 5, 2008

Skinny-Fat vs. Skinny-Fit

It's one thing to be skinny and a whole 'nother thing to be fit. Unfortunately for lazy-bones like me, dieting alone will not create a fit, toned, good-looking body. Sometimes it creates a body with super thin arms and legs but a flabby butt and thick belly.

Check out these photos to see what I mean. The first is of singer Amy Winehouse, sadly a woman who has more problems than just body shape. But body shape is a problem for her, too. You can tell that she doesn't eat much, but she's sure not fit or toned. She's what I've seen referred to as "skinny-fat."

The second photo is Cameron Diaz. She also probably doesn't eat a whole lot either(more than Amy, though), but you can tell she works out, is active, and has muscle tone. She is "skinny-fit."

Exercise does a body good. I am doing well on dieting but not so much on exercise. This is going to have to change. Right now, I wouldn't dare post a picure of myself in a bikini on here.


Anonymous said...

Calling the thinner chick "fat" and calling the fatter chick "fit"

0/10 troll harder

MW said...
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MW said...
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MW said...
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MW said...
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MW said...

This website is insulting and whoever wrote it sounds Ridiculous, I think a lot of people are not educated on the human body, they don’t realize that just because someone is thin does not mean that they don’t eat or are unhealthy, That’s a terrible thing to assume about someone on the slim side, you can’t tell shit!! Cameron D eat just fine and looks great! and your commenting on poor Amy’s body and judging her knowing that she’s has gone through a lot mentally and physically dealing with a lot of shit others might not understand, I don’t think anyone should be body shamed and on judge a picture of a person who clearly has issues she’s dealing with thats Low as hell! this person has gone through some hard times, how about people get a life and stop comparing and body shaming others. Seriously! What is wrong with this world? Their are so many different body shapes different sizes, you can’t take one person and compare them to everyone else. I don’t really know another way to say it where people can understand but it’s kind of like how their are different size dogs for example your have larger dogs with larger bone structure and med and smaller dogs with other size structures, I’m not saying people are dogs it’s an example to try to get it thought people’s heads. you can’t point to a small dog and assume it doent eat healthy because of its size. if you actually look at the human body and stop being a negatively judgmental you will see that people from all over are built differently. So stop judging just because someone is smaller framed or thin does not mean their not healthy or don’t eat. On the other hand there are people who do have serious health issues and people should maybe think before they speak and say to another person in the slim side “ you’re to skinny” because that hurts just like when a larger person is called “fat”or “too fat”. Just don’t make comments in general you have no idea what someone could be going through.
I see whoever made this website is just trying to compare a toned body from an untoned body but again to assume someone doent eat because their thin is ridiculous and on top of that using an ill person going though hard times is just beyond me.
Love yourself and maybe try and practice a little kindness.