Sunday, January 6, 2008

An Unforeseen Danger of Weight Loss

For Christmas, I was given some long underwear. (Yeah, I know, you're thinking "Whoo-hoo, she must have been a very good girl," right?) Actually, it was very nice, thin, silky long underwear. The keyword there is silky; note that you can also translate that as slippery.

I found out about the slippery factor last night when I wore my long underwear under some jeans that are now just a little too large for me due to weight loss. Yes, you guessed it: I spent all evening in grave danger of my too-big jeans slip-sliding down over that silky-slick material and leaving me standing there in my underwear with my pants around my ankles.

Luckily, that did not happen, but only because I tugged up my jeans all night. Sigh. I did have a couple of close calls where there was possibly a gap in the back between shirt and jeans allowing a glimpse (or maybe an eyeful) of my unmentionables. Any people around with long underwear fetishes probably enjoyed themselves just a little too much!

Still, if I have to have problems, I would rather have the problem of keeping my pants on because I'm too small for them than the problem of not being able to get them on because I'm too big. :-)

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